Happy Father’s Day, Dad…I miss you Happy Father’s Day to All Dads!

Happy Father’s Day, Dad…I miss you Happy Father’s Day to All Dads!

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Happy Father’s Day, Dad…I miss you Happy Father’s Day to All Dads!


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The bronze statute of my father stands in the lobby of our headquarters in Warren.

Even when the sun isn’t shining, my father, Albert Covelli, continues to cast a long shadow.

He left me an incredible legacy and I am honored to be continuing the company that he launched with little more than a belief that if you worked hard, treated employees and customers right and provided quality that you would find success.

He was so right.

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My dad found his first success by selling produce. He met Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald’s, and actually sold him products for his restaurants. My dad believed in what Mr. Kroc was doing and moved to Warren to open a McDonald’s Restaurant in 1954.

But he didn’t stop at one.

It didn’t take long before my dad had grown our company into the largest franchisee of McDonald’s restaurants.

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But in the late 1990s, my dad realized that it was time for a change and that’s when we sold out of McDonald’s Restaurants and bought into Panera Bread restaurants.

It’s almost Father’s Day. And it will be the first one for me without my dad.

He died May 5, 2014.

I am so lucky that I was able to work with my dad for my entire professional life. But I’d be less than honest if I didn’t confess that I miss him terribly.

But he’s with me a lot of the day. He’s there when I walk into stores and greet each and every one of our associates and our customers. He had a special way of talking to customers and associates. It came from his genuine gratitude and humility.

As we approach Father’s Day, I just wanted to take a few minutes to remind all of the sons and daughters out there to really appreciate and applaud and just love your fathers.

Life is never long enough.

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